Sunday, November 23, 2014

* 60 days* 100% clean-eating, 6 workouts per week* COMPLETED*

It feels absolutely amazing to say that my 60 day is complete!!! I feel incredible. I feel strong.  

I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey. I am so happy and blessed to share this with you all. As a Beachbody coach, I am able to motivate/inspire/support others who want to lead their own fitness journey. I am absolutely, 100% thankful every single day that God has let me share myself and my story. I am so insanely thankful that He has given me a new profession and love in life (Beachbody coaching is incredibly wonderful).

 I am a former bulimic. I was addicted to pills, diets, binges, and laxatives. I had ZERO self confidence. I had ZERO belief in myself. I thought I was NOTHING and NOBODY.

I  feel AMAZING. I feel stronger than ever. I am confident in myself and my direction in life. I am a strong, unwavering believer in our LORD. He has given us so much and I am forever living my life for Him. And I am so wonderfully thankful for Beachbody.

 For 60 days, I followed the eating and fitness program called PiYo. The PiYo program was surprisingly easy! I followed the meal and fitness plan exactly (ok, ok, so maybe I ate a few more toffee peanuts than I should...darn those things are addicting!-- I also put half and half in my coffee--- we can not all be perfect!) I also followed the fitness program weekly workout rotation except for the day off. The program called for Thursdays off for rest days. I took Tuesdays off since Tuesday was my busy night for blogging and coach training. Essentially, I still worked out 6 days per week.

I promise you---- all I did was follow the program. I did not get crazy with it. I did not run 10 miles and then do the PiYo workout. I trusted the program and seriously just followed it exactly to just 'see what happens.' I am pleasantly surprised by the results. I RECOMMEND TAKING PHOTOS!!  I seriously did not think my body changed that much! I feel incredible, but I did not think my body would change that much!!!  (Disclaimer: I darkened my hair yesterday (11/21) I also went tanning last week. THERE IS NO FILTER ON THESE PHOTOS. I wanted these to be REAL.) 

   Before this program, I had no idea about appropriate portion control. I ate way too much for what I actually needed. The program categories all the foods that we eat (primary vegetables, secondary, lean protein, healthy fats and fruits.) To see the best results for my body, I was directed to follow a specific plan for serving sizes per category (example: in 1 day, I am to eay 7 servings of primary vegetables. By using a chart provided by the program, I chose what primary vegetables and how much.)

 During this program, I did not deplete my body of any nutrients... I simply ATE MORE NUTRITIOUS FOOD. I ate A LOT of veggies and boiled eggs. Green Giant frozen veggie sides are now my best friend (Kroger has them on a regular basis 10 for $10!) I basically ate no breads (this was my choice. The program does allow you to eat breads if you would like to.) I actually have a wheat allergy (if you feel tired after eating wheat products then you probably do to!) so I opted to not include wheat/yeast products in this challenge.

Through the PiYo clean-eating program, I learned to eat MORE OFTEN. Say what?! Yes, that is correct! I ate every 2-3 hours. That way, I was never hungry. And no joke, I was NEVER hungry with this program. 

 Before this program, I used to indulge myself when I would get home from work. I had nothing prepped. Through this program, I absolutely understand the importance of prepping. I pack/prep ALL of my meals for the beginning to middle of the week on Sunday. I would finish up those meals by Thursday, so on Thursday, I would prep again. PREP and PLAN!

Shakeology is a product of Beachbody.
I also understand how to control and OVERPOWER the cravings! Yes, I have a sweet tooth. I, no doubt, contribute the lack of cravings to Shakeology. Every morning, I would mix half a scoop of Shakeology with a scoop of whey protein, 8 oz almond milk, and 8 ice cubes. The mixture made enough so that I would bring 1/4 of it to work with me for an mid-morning snack. I am going to continue drinking this for as long as I can! Shakeology is packed with so many nutrients and super expensive foods! I love this stuff (especially chocolate )

   I went out to eat with my husband today. I was telling him that today is the end of my 60 day challenge (he actually already knew this...he has been so supportive this whole time. I just love him so much!!!) MOST IMPORTANTLY, I told him that I do not really see myself going back to the "old" way of eating. This is now my lifestyle.

I did not "cheat" at all during my 60 days. I am not boosting, I just did not want to allow myself to fall short of my goal. 

The holidays are coming up=  MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR.  Andrew is already annoyed by how much I talk about the holidays. Ohh well, he married me! I am going to allow myself to drink some wine (ohhhh yes, I will drink some wine!!! ) I am making red velvet cookies for the family. But I am also making vegan/gluten-free chocolate coconut tarte, butternut squash with cranberries and feta, and sweet potato casserole (sans marshmallows) I have a new love for unprocessed foods. I want my body to continue to feel this way. Sugars and processed foods simply pollute my body and my mind.

The best thing about this journey was being able to share it with you all. I am so very thankful for all your support. Most importantly, I am so incredibly thankful for those who have allowed me to enter into their lives and support them on their own fitness and life journey. It makes me happy beyond words to talk to you and know that you are so happy with the results that YOU are making. I seriously get teary-eyed just typing this. You all can do INCREDIBLE things... you just need a little support and direction. I am just over-the-moon to be a small spec in your transformations <3

I am going to continue to blog about my life. I love being able to just tell it like it is. This is my life. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVE, PRAYERS AND SUPPORT. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!

**Starting January 1, 2015, I am starting P90x...join me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Who just want to have a healthy LIFESTYLE?!

It is the last week of my 60 day PiYo journey. Wow, I can not believe how fast the time has gone! I will write the overall results and feelings about the program next week (almost there!--- but PS: this has been an incredible experience.

My post tonight is about some thoughts I had when getting out of the shower tonight. Yea, I know, random.

I thought to myself "how many people just want to have a healthy lifestyle?  No crossfit junkies, no bodybuilding-steriod pumping lovers, no hungry-angry dieters! But people who genuinely want to lose weight, be HAPPY AND HEALTHY, but do not want the time constraint of spending 5 hours at the gym and endless amounts of money on supplements and personal trainers." I bet a lot of us do!

I know I do! I want to do the minimal amount of work possible to feel and look incredible. Call me "efficient" but I want to be smart with MY time and MY life. I have spent countless hours and YEARS at the gym, trying to sculpt my body. With little to no changes. Like how frustrating!!! After doing PiYO, drinking Shakeology and following the PiYo eating plan, I feel stronger in 2 months than I have in 7 years. WHAT!!! I also eat MORE than I have EVER and I am losing weight. WHAT! (Does anyone else hear Lil John yelling "what!" or is that just me...)

I have not been to the gym once (yay no gym membership fees!) No supplements. No calorie counting. Is it too a hoax? But this is MY chance to have a personal trainer, AT MY HOME, telling me what to eat and how to workout...and it has never felt so good!

Earlier, say around 3 months ago, when I really started thinking about strengthening my body, I reached out to a old high school friend. She is a professional fitness competitor. I said to her "Hey! I am thinking about competing, could I get more information from you." Her response " This is not for is really takes up a lot of your time and is really can talk to my trainer if you want..." HARD PASS. Like what is that? It is expensive, takes a lot of your time and money... I mean what is that!

This is why I love Beachbody. I have only been with the company for a little over 3 months...but I am head-over-heels about EVERYTHING this company represents--the products and the profession. As a coach, I work day after day just TALKING TO PEOPLE AND SUPPORTING PEOPLE. That's right... I have an opportunity for an insane amount of income to talk to people about living a healthy and happy life through fitness. LIKE HOW CRAZY IS THAT! WHAT A BLESSING!!!!

If you want to change your LIFESTYLE, please connect with me or a coach that you know. This is an amazing feeling to have and you want to feel this way <3

email me @

Friday, November 14, 2014

So what are you sacrificing?

As I sit here on a cold Friday night, cozy and warm next my dog, feeling refreshed after an exhilarating PiYo workout, waiting for my hubby to come home, I think to myself..." why do people sacrifice fitness?"

I hear so many stories about people who just do not "make time" for themselves during the day, week or even year! " I have kids..." "I love my career"... "My boyfriend eats junk food so I do too"..."I only eat what my kids eat"... does this sound like you? I do not have kids. I do have a career (two actually) ...and I make time for myself...Before you point fingers and throw your hands up in the air, let me come clean. I am just very interested in why people grasp onto the concept of "sacrifice..."

I am big fan of the tv show Biggest Loser. You can make sure that I stay up past my 1030 pm bedtime to watch this show with my husband every Thursday night. If you do not know about the show (for there may be some people living underneath a rock who read this blog...sorry, no offense) the reality show is a competition for overweight contestants who want to "lose weight." (Again, I put this in quotations because the point is to not lose weight but to lose fat...I just feel that I can not type 'lose fat' without requiring an explanation) 

The most touching part of this show is that every single contestant has this incredibly debilitating story about why they "let themselves go."  It is heart-wrenching to see these people cry and cry about the reasons why they do not love themselves and have gained HUNDREDS of pounds. It could be a lose of a loved one, it could be they have kids, it could be the lost a job... but it is insanely inspiring to see these wonderful people grow through out the show and develop a LOVE for themselves!! They start to understand that THEY ARE WORTH IT!!! 

So call me selfish, but I ALWAYS make time for me. I LOVE making time for ME. I love knowing that my husband thinks I am sexy. I love the my strength journey. It took me a LONG time to know my self worth and to have as much confidence as I have now. And I am far from perfect...I mean I am literally writing this blog about a 60 day (well, life long) journey for a better self... I am evolving but this is a fact... I AM WORTH IT.

So I continue to think .. "why is sacrifice related to fitness?" Like what am I 'sacrificing' to have a toned body? Sacrifice is the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get something what are we really sacrificing by not eating healthy and working out? By this definition, I am a sacrificing a fat ass to have a strong physique? Hmm ok! I am sacrificing 30 minutes sitting on the couch with my husband to have a happier, healthier and hopefully longer (it is in God's hands!) life... hmmm yes!! 

Do not be a martyr for your fitness. Please take some time to care and love YOU!   

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Eating clean does not have to be boring! - chocolate mousse with avocado?

Truths about me----
#1 I throw out WAY too much food as it is (this is something my husband and I are really working on. Throwing out food is throwing out $$$ !!!)
#2 I am "eating clean" for 60 straight days
#3 I have a love of chocolate
So this leads to a mouth-watering experience 
I have almost been skeptical of desserts consisting of avocado. It just did not make sense to me!!!

 I do not know about you, but I buy avocados and do not use them in time so they always go bad on me! I decided to try out this recipe tonight...

It tastes just like chocolate mousse!!!! It curbed my sweet tooth! I was also able to get some healthy fat (avocado) and fruit (banana) servings into my belly! Yay for multi-tasking!!! This is a must try for ANYONE WHO IS TRYING TO EAT HEALTHY BUT LOVES CHOCOLATE!!! (YEP, THAT IS EVERYONE.)
I am so interested in finding healthy alternatives to desserts..especially since the holidays are coming up! Who is going to be busy on pinterest for the next week??...THIS GIRL.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

wake up!

Have you ever had a wake up call? Not the annoying snooze button in the morning, but a wake up call for YOUR LIFE?

Maybe you had just lived through an "almost horrible" accident. Maybe you lost a dear loved one and their passing awakened you. Maybe the birth of your child made you realize the priorities in life. Maybe you lost a job. Maybe it is looking in the mirror and you are wondering where all that weight has come from...

Everybody has a story. Not everybody has a wake up call.

My grandmother recently passed in May, 2014. She put up a really good and strong fight, but the Lord was ready to take her. She had lost the battle with COPD. She taught me to live for the Lord and to love family. I was saddened by her passing... to know that one day someone is here and the next day they aren't is just something that is so bazaar to me. I like to think that her strength and fiesty-ness can be found in me. Her passing into heaven was certainly a wake up call to me.

Ok so let us move on to something not so dramatic right?!

The wake up call for my fitness journey happened about 1.5 months ago. I was participating in a coach's conference with Beachbody. And obviously (to no one's surprise) we all worked out together afterwards! We were lucky enough to try a new fitness program that is yet to be released (coming soon--it is incredible!!!).

During the workout, I felt weak. I specifically remember doing these "punching" moves and literally feeling like my arms were weak little stretchy stubs like the arms of Stretch Armstrong (reference 1980s children's toy.) I was embarrassed. I was angry!!! I have been working out for YEARS so why do I feel like this?!?! I felt unhealthy. I decided right then and there that I was going to bust my butt for a healthier me! And I decided to change....just like that!

So what has been your wake up call? 

One of my dear friends from work recently had a heart attack. He smoked cigarettes for +30 years, drank multiple caffeine drinks (not coffee), drank lots of alcohol almost daily, and surely did not eat healthy by any means. He now has 2 stints in his heart.  The doctors told him that one more cigarette could possibly burst his heart. He must attend physical therapy. I told him " I am excited for you. You have a second chance at life! You have a new beginning!!!" He agreed...not for himself...but for his children. See, his young boy was the one who had to call the ambulance to tell them that his dad was having a heart attack. The little boy could not leave his dad's side for 3 days for fear that he would lose him forever...

Everything that happens to you is part of God's plan. I have learned to truly listen and reflect on things that happen to me. If I listen and pray, I know that God will lead me.

Friday, October 31, 2014

All Aboard the Motivation Station

Charles Dubois once said, “We must be prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we are capable of becoming.”


What motivates you? Quick, write down what came to your mind first.

It is fear? It is success? It is money? It is love? Is it your kids? Is it acceptance from other people?

There is no right or wrong answer. But there is an answer. And you need to figure it out...

For a long time, I was motivated by other people's approval. I was not doing anything for myself. I was craving acceptance, and love from family, friends and randoms. It was an unsettling, and never-ending cycle of disappointment, emptiness and loneliness.

One day I just woke up and thought to myself "ya, I am over living like this." And I will never look back.

I know for a fact I had that "take no crap from anyone" feeling the day I finally broke up with an ex-boyfriend. Show of hands, who has ever been in a draining, unstable, destruction relationship? You may think a relationship is worth the tears, the fights, the insecurities... it is not! No relationship should make you feel like that. And I had to learn my lesson...3x! Granted, I was as unstable as the relationship and any relationship is a 2-way street...(God knew what He was doing!) 

What motivated me to end it?? The feeling and sense that I deserved something better. That whatever I was currently doing was not right with my soul. I listened to ME. And I changed. I broke free!

It has been a lifetime of struggles and triumphs. A lifetime of personalities, really. I spent so many years trying to be someone's idea of perfect that I lost myself. I had no idea who I was. Less than 10 years ago is when I FINALLY felt like ME. 

Has anyone ever felt like that? It is an incredible feeling to finally find myself. I am full of life but also peace at the same time. No doubt that my recent relationship with Jesus has taken this relationship to a level that I can not describe. 

So what motivates me to never look back? What motivates me to keep pushing for greatness, to keep pushing for my destiny? It has to be a Higher Power. I have always felt, deep in the deepest parts of my body and soul, that I was meant for something amazing. AND SO ARE YOU! 

I get down on myself every once in a while. I get upset that I have not reached my idea of success in the time that I want. This week, especially, has mentally been a struggle for me. Not only with my fitness but with my business as well. I close my eyes and see my vision of success..and I am not even close. But I keep learning... I keep training... I keep working harder and smarter...I keep the path.

As you may know, I am in my fourth week of my fitness journey. Does my body have all the muscle and definition that I want? Not even close!!! It has been 30 days and I am nowhere near my idea of success. But success does not happen overnight does it? Wait, let me clarify, MY success does not happen overnight. My high expectations for myself WILL NOT happen over night. I want too much!! This mindset keep me alive. It keeps my body and soul energetic and loving and happy!!! 

Those who are fighters do not quit!  I do not have time to waste being upset or sad or pitiful... I have a life to live! You are a fighter, aren't you? 

Tips for motivation:
1. Take a deep breathe. Think of the thing that makes you the happiest---that fills your heart with the most love and life! Write that down.
2. Close your eyes, sit in silence, and imagine your life 5 years from now---what do you see? Where are you living? What is your career? What does your house/apartment/boat look like? Are your kids there? Write it down. Be specific. 
3. When you wake up in the morning, what do you think of first? This is your priority in life. It better be a good one. 
4. Keep your eye on the prize. Only you can control your future. Down the road of life, those little "hiccups" or "fails" in your life will not matter. Do not hold on to them. Successful people live for the future, not the past.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 30: This is a journey...not a weekend getaway.

This is day 30 of my journey!!! 

For this monumental day, I took "Day 1" vs "Day 30" photos. And I will be honest ( as I always am), I was pretty disappointed with the results. Let me explain why...

I feel amazing! I feel strong, mentally and physically. I am determined and dedicated to what I am doing. I feel such an electricity in side of me when I open my life up to people around me!

But it is because I feel so great that I also feel disappointment from the photos. See, I feel better than I look. I expected to see this ripped, toned body in the photo and all I saw was literally the same person from a month ago. WTF!

Granted, I have no attention to detail. Ok, so I have some but very little.---Like I do not put it on my resume that I am "detail-oriented." Nope, not me!!

I was so upset at the photos that I blamed my husband (who took the photos) for the fact that he took only one and that I wasn't even "flexing." Yikes!

I teared up a little... and then used that disappointment as fuel for kick @$$ workout. I busted butt tonight. If I want more results, I have to work for them! I did not wallow in my lack of no no. I had a great workout and shock it off!! (Darn it, now I have that Taylor Swift song in my head...PS which is a GREAT song...and I do "shake it off" ...every time.)

I expected more from my body. I have high expectations for my body. And I will get there. This is a journey...not a weekend getaway.

This post today was an eye-opener for me...but...

I will not quit. I will not settle. Change does not happen over night. And what I expect from  my body will not be done in 1 may not be done in 2 months (it most likely with take A LOT longer than that.)  I will continue to have high expectations!!!