Tuesday, November 4, 2014

wake up!

Have you ever had a wake up call? Not the annoying snooze button in the morning, but a wake up call for YOUR LIFE?

Maybe you had just lived through an "almost horrible" accident. Maybe you lost a dear loved one and their passing awakened you. Maybe the birth of your child made you realize the priorities in life. Maybe you lost a job. Maybe it is looking in the mirror and you are wondering where all that weight has come from...

Everybody has a story. Not everybody has a wake up call.

My grandmother recently passed in May, 2014. She put up a really good and strong fight, but the Lord was ready to take her. She had lost the battle with COPD. She taught me to live for the Lord and to love family. I was saddened by her passing... to know that one day someone is here and the next day they aren't is just something that is so bazaar to me. I like to think that her strength and fiesty-ness can be found in me. Her passing into heaven was certainly a wake up call to me.

Ok so let us move on to something not so dramatic right?!

The wake up call for my fitness journey happened about 1.5 months ago. I was participating in a coach's conference with Beachbody. And obviously (to no one's surprise) we all worked out together afterwards! We were lucky enough to try a new fitness program that is yet to be released (coming soon--it is incredible!!!).

During the workout, I felt weak. I specifically remember doing these "punching" moves and literally feeling like my arms were weak little stretchy stubs like the arms of Stretch Armstrong (reference 1980s children's toy.) I was embarrassed. I was angry!!! I have been working out for YEARS so why do I feel like this?!?! I felt unhealthy. I decided right then and there that I was going to bust my butt for a healthier me! And I decided to change....just like that!

So what has been your wake up call? 

One of my dear friends from work recently had a heart attack. He smoked cigarettes for +30 years, drank multiple caffeine drinks (not coffee), drank lots of alcohol almost daily, and surely did not eat healthy by any means. He now has 2 stints in his heart.  The doctors told him that one more cigarette could possibly burst his heart. He must attend physical therapy. I told him " I am excited for you. You have a second chance at life! You have a new beginning!!!" He agreed...not for himself...but for his children. See, his young boy was the one who had to call the ambulance to tell them that his dad was having a heart attack. The little boy could not leave his dad's side for 3 days for fear that he would lose him forever...

Everything that happens to you is part of God's plan. I have learned to truly listen and reflect on things that happen to me. If I listen and pray, I know that God will lead me.

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