Friday, October 31, 2014

All Aboard the Motivation Station

Charles Dubois once said, “We must be prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we are capable of becoming.”


What motivates you? Quick, write down what came to your mind first.

It is fear? It is success? It is money? It is love? Is it your kids? Is it acceptance from other people?

There is no right or wrong answer. But there is an answer. And you need to figure it out...

For a long time, I was motivated by other people's approval. I was not doing anything for myself. I was craving acceptance, and love from family, friends and randoms. It was an unsettling, and never-ending cycle of disappointment, emptiness and loneliness.

One day I just woke up and thought to myself "ya, I am over living like this." And I will never look back.

I know for a fact I had that "take no crap from anyone" feeling the day I finally broke up with an ex-boyfriend. Show of hands, who has ever been in a draining, unstable, destruction relationship? You may think a relationship is worth the tears, the fights, the insecurities... it is not! No relationship should make you feel like that. And I had to learn my lesson...3x! Granted, I was as unstable as the relationship and any relationship is a 2-way street...(God knew what He was doing!) 

What motivated me to end it?? The feeling and sense that I deserved something better. That whatever I was currently doing was not right with my soul. I listened to ME. And I changed. I broke free!

It has been a lifetime of struggles and triumphs. A lifetime of personalities, really. I spent so many years trying to be someone's idea of perfect that I lost myself. I had no idea who I was. Less than 10 years ago is when I FINALLY felt like ME. 

Has anyone ever felt like that? It is an incredible feeling to finally find myself. I am full of life but also peace at the same time. No doubt that my recent relationship with Jesus has taken this relationship to a level that I can not describe. 

So what motivates me to never look back? What motivates me to keep pushing for greatness, to keep pushing for my destiny? It has to be a Higher Power. I have always felt, deep in the deepest parts of my body and soul, that I was meant for something amazing. AND SO ARE YOU! 

I get down on myself every once in a while. I get upset that I have not reached my idea of success in the time that I want. This week, especially, has mentally been a struggle for me. Not only with my fitness but with my business as well. I close my eyes and see my vision of success..and I am not even close. But I keep learning... I keep training... I keep working harder and smarter...I keep the path.

As you may know, I am in my fourth week of my fitness journey. Does my body have all the muscle and definition that I want? Not even close!!! It has been 30 days and I am nowhere near my idea of success. But success does not happen overnight does it? Wait, let me clarify, MY success does not happen overnight. My high expectations for myself WILL NOT happen over night. I want too much!! This mindset keep me alive. It keeps my body and soul energetic and loving and happy!!! 

Those who are fighters do not quit!  I do not have time to waste being upset or sad or pitiful... I have a life to live! You are a fighter, aren't you? 

Tips for motivation:
1. Take a deep breathe. Think of the thing that makes you the happiest---that fills your heart with the most love and life! Write that down.
2. Close your eyes, sit in silence, and imagine your life 5 years from now---what do you see? Where are you living? What is your career? What does your house/apartment/boat look like? Are your kids there? Write it down. Be specific. 
3. When you wake up in the morning, what do you think of first? This is your priority in life. It better be a good one. 
4. Keep your eye on the prize. Only you can control your future. Down the road of life, those little "hiccups" or "fails" in your life will not matter. Do not hold on to them. Successful people live for the future, not the past.

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